What I have learned from dogs

Posts tagged ‘my dog story’


Peanut was the first dog we had that was mine. We always had dogs, they were family dogs, Peanut was mine. MY RESPONSIBILITY! Big responsibility for a 12 year but I would learn fast and never look back.

I was young at only 12 years old when my Dad brought this little 7 week old puppy home to me. She was black and tan with a tiny bit of white on her chest. Part dachshund, part terrier she was adorable. I decided to give her the name Peanut. Peanut looked like a dachshund and as I’ve come to learn over the years had many of the traits of a dachshund. She isĀ  the reason I came to love the breed so much. She was with me all the time after my dad brought her home that day. I shared my bed with her and watched TV with her. This was also the time that my love of TV began. We played in the yard with my friends together. In fact when I had to leave her to go spend a month one summer with my grandparents in Colorado I called everyday to see how she was. I also carried her picture around and showed it to everyone I met.

My baby Peanut was there for me when my Dad had his last heart attack and was in the hospital for so long. She was with me when I graduated high school and with me when I received the news that my Dad had passed. Peanut made the move into that horrible duplex apartment with me, my mom and my brother after we lost my Dad. My baby Peanut was with me through all that for 10 years and I was devastated when I lost her. It was heart breaking.

I thank Peanut for helping to teach me responsibility and for giving me my love of Dachshunds.